Paralyzed Boxer Paul "The Punisher" Williams Getting Back Into The Gym Is Your Feel Good Video Of The Day


FTW - Former WBO welterweight champion Paul “The Punisher” Williams had a phenomenal record of 41-2 before a motorcycle accident in May of 2012 left him paralyzed from the waist down. Williams still believes he will walk again, and hasn’t given up on a potential return to the ring. This weekend, Williams shared a video of a training session with a heavy bag, and the joy Williams gets from doing what he loves is positively infectious.

This short but sweet video made my day. He’s so happy to be back in the ring punching the heavy bag, doing what he loves. Always inspires me when people get dealt a shitty hand like that and keep a great attitude about life. Mostly because I would be a miserable piece of shit if anything happened to me. Eric LeGrand is a great example as well. They are both on the #SwoleTeam for sure. Nothing respect for them.


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